The other part is to find the range of data values and calculate a coordinate of each value by finding its equivalent value in the new range. 另一部分是找出数据值的范围,并根据每个数据值在新范围内的等效值来计算这些值的坐标。
However, you will have to pay me with something of equivalent value. 但是你必须给我同等价值的东西。
The results indicate that equivalent calcium contents on a nutritional label do not guarantee equivalent nutritional value. 此结果表明,营养标签上等值的钙含量并不能保证相等的营养价值。
Note: all the data hereof has been adjusted according to the result of the2nd National Economic Census, and each type of energy has been converted into tons of SCE calculated in equivalent value. 注:本表所有数据均按全国第二次经济普查结果进行了调整,各年能源品种均已折合为按当量值计算的吨标准煤。
The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of exchange. 等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值。
If they repatriate that one USD they need to provide an equivalent value in Yuan to get it home. 如果他们遣返,一个美元,他们需要提供一个元等值得到它带回家。
Evaluation of underground ore-rock stability based on equivalent value method 基于等效数值法的地下开采矿岩稳定性评价
Pore permeability is the permeability of a single pore of a rock, while reservoir permeability is the equivalent value of pore permeability on the whole cross-section of the rock. 孔隙渗透率是单根孔隙的渗透率,地层渗透率是孔隙渗透率折算到整个地层截面积之上的渗透率。
Taking electrical equipment into account the LCC model for a power equipment of equivalent annual value is presented based on investment cost, maintenance cost, outage cost. 结合电力设备实际,给出了在LCC分析中,计及可靠性的设备投资、运行维修、停电损失等费用的等年值电力设备LCC的计算模型。
At last, the structural system reliability based on equivalent extreme value event was also discussed and applied to reliability analysis of underground structures under complex failure criteria. 文中还介绍了基于等价极值事件的结构体系可靠度分析方法,并将等价极值事件的基本思想推广到复杂失效准则下地下结构的可靠性分析之中。
The equivalent value of the land determines the price of the land material. The labour value of the land determines the price of the land capital. 土地等效价值决定土地物质价格,土地劳动价值决定土地资本价格。
The price of the land is determined by the total value of the land. The total value of the land comprises the equivalent value of the land and the labour value of the land. 土地价格是由土地总价值所决定的,土地总价值包括土地等效价值和土地劳动价值。
Earth's r-ray irradiation is mainly dose equivalent among acceptation of dose equivalent value, especially, r-ray irradiation of indoor. 居民所接受的剂量当量值中,主要为地球γ辐射所致,尤以室内环境的γ辐射为最多。
Study on the Equivalent Value of Laddered Network by Constructing a Nonlinear Series 建构非线性数列研究二端梯形网络的等效值
The results showed that the uncertainty ( Urel) of the method was about 1.6%, an equivalent value to the conventional titrimetric analysis and is conformed to national standards. 实验结果表明,该法的不确定度Urel(C)约为1.6%,与常量滴定法相当,符合国家标准。
Equivalent value of penetrating depth of X-ray X-射线贯穿深度等效值
Basic on mentioned above and with the use of energy consistent method the equivalent value of second-order revision in condition of the Debye shielding potential as well be got and the result is compared with the data obtained by the numerical method. 在此基础上,利用能量自洽法,求出了相当于二阶修正的德拜势下类氢原子的能级值,并就其计算结果与数值解进行了比较。
Chapter V applies the average price stock option and certainty equivalent value in executive stock option system. 第五章主要将平均价格期权和确定性等值法应用于经理股票期权;
The effect of the factors, such as equivalent value and average functionality of polyol mixture, polyisocyanate type, on the properties of high-hardness polyurethane elastomers were discussed. 讨论了多元醇组分平均每个羟基所对应的链段的相对分子质量(MOH)、平均官能度以及异氰酸酯种类对高硬度聚氨酯弹性体性能的影响。
In the analysis process, it is important to stress the time value and equivalent value of capital; this involves the calculation of single rate and compound rate, and the relationship among current value, year-end value and final value. 在分析过程中资金的时间价值与等值尤为重要,这里面涉及到单利和复利的计算、现值、年值和终值之间的关系。
A novel equivalent value tariff for reactive power is built to answer for the peculiarity of reactive power cost, and its price mechanism has features of market justice, emphasizing recovery to reactive power investment and restraining price aiguille. 提出的无功等值电价为无功电量电价和容量电价之和,该定价方法符合无功成本特征,其价格机制具有市场公平性、注重无功投资回报和抑制价格尖峰的特性。
An Exploration into the Application of the Equivalent Value Method in Evaluating Concrete Quality by Ultrasonic Method 等值线法在超声法检测推定混凝土质量中的应用探讨
Without equivalent value of E or modified coefficients, there is no debate on the determining of these values. 不用E的等效值或者修正系数,免去确定这些值的争论。
Appliance Study of "Certainty Equivalent Value" in Option Pricing of Executive Stock 确定性等值法在经理股票期权定价中的应用研究
Predictive models of the diversion ratio of the bifurcation area have been established by using the equivalent value method of water level difference, the momentum balance method, the equivalent sediment-load method and the artificial neural network model. 建立分汊河道分流比预测模型,包括:水位差等值法、动量平衡法、等含沙量法和人工神经网络模型预测法。水位差等值法利用各支汊水位差相等条件;
The changes may enable the creditor gain equivalent value, which are, however, contrary to the intentions of logical system and the purpose for the establishment of creditor's subrogation, legal fairness and justice, legal maneuverability and mutual coordination and unification between laws. 这些变动可能获得便利债权人等价值,但却与债权人代位权的逻辑体系和设立目的、法律的公平正义以及立法欲达到的可操作性和法律间相互协调统一的意图相悖。
The objective function of GSHP system optimization is proposed-the dynamic annual value, including dynamic system operating cost and initial investment annual equivalent value. 提出地源热泵系统优化目标函数&动态费用年值,动态费用年值包括系统年运行费用与初投资折合等额年值。